PNNL Phantom Library Catalog
Order/Loan Information

To borrow Phantoms from RESL, you may send an order via to the Phantom Library Administrator.

Loans from the DOE Phantom Library at RESL require compliance with DOE property management policies. RESL DOE will ship the Phantom to you free of charge but it is the requestors financial responsibility for the return shipment of the Phantom. Requirements for US Department of Energy (DOE) Laboratories and Non-DOE Entities vary slightly. Our experience, as of 2007, indicates that the elapsed time between receipt of the loan request and shipment of the phantom is about two weeks.

US DOE Laboratories:

  • Use one of the submission options (fax or electronic request), see below.
  • The loan request submission requires an attached letter from your Radiological Control or Radiation Safety group, which references your Radiological Protection Plan (RPP) and states that the requested phantom(s) will not exceed any established safety limits and that the work being done with the phantom is acceptable under the RPP. The preferred alternative for this requirement is to include a radioactive materials receipt authorization number from your radiological control department.
  • Review the DOE Personal Property Loan form (see below). Determine the person within your organization with signature authority for the loan. This person would have the authority within your organization to accept the terms and conditions of the loan, should the phantom be damaged, lost, or otherwise rendered unusable. Include the contact information and official title for this individual with the loan request. RESL will prepare the Personal Property Loan form and fax it to the authorized individual for signature.

Non-DOE Entities:

  • Use one of the submission options (fax or electronic request), see below.
  • The loan request submission requires several attachments (electronic versions of these attachments are preferred):
    • A copy of your radioactive materials license.
    • A letter from your Radiological Control or Radiation Safety group that references your radioactive materials license and a statement that the requested phantom(s) will not exceed any established safety limits and the work being done with the phantom is acceptable under your license.
  • Review the DOE Personal Property Loan form (see right sidebar). Determine the person within your organization with signature authority for the loan. This person would have the authority within your organization to accept the terms and conditions of the loan, should the phantom be rendered damaged, lost, or otherwise unusable. Include the contact information and official title for this individual with the loan request. RESL will prepare the Personal Property Loan form and fax it to the authorized individual for signature.

Phantom Loan Program:

Order Form

DOE Loan Form

DOE Phantom Library Catalog


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