Realistic Torso Phantom with Lung and Liver Calibration Phantoms

Torso Phantoms

Torso phantoms were created primarily for calibration of lung counting systems measuring radionuclide emissions of low-energy X- and gamma-rays (primarily transuranics). The torso phantoms available for loan include a full-body anthropomorphic phantom (RESL-201), a generation 2 LLNL torso phantom (RESL-202), and a commercially available LLNL torso phantom (RESL-203). Four alternate overlays are available for each phantom to simulate variable torso thicknesses.

Phantom ID#: RESL-201

Tissue Substitute Composition: Adiprene, commercial ICRU Muscle substitute phantom to be used with lung and liver calibration phantoms

Reference Man - 180.5 lb. (82 kg)

This phantom formerly contained capsules of Cs-137, but these were permanently removed. It can currently be used for lung-counting calibrations, using the blank internal organs and removing the articulated limbs. The 40K content is contained in 388 capsules in the abdominal insert and 10.8 g in the hollow thyroid (to make up for no hole matrix in the head). The distribution of the 40K is based on a mass-equivalence of each body section.

PL-201 extends the LLNL chest/torso phantom to the entire body. It consists of a full anthropomorphic phantom, with the legs articulated at the hip and knee joints to conform to various counting chairs. This phantom is most appropriate for measurements with the detectors behind the subject (counting from the back), as this phantom contains the full skeletal structures such as scapulae. The rib cage and sternum are made of simulated bone and cartilage. A full complement of simulated internal organs are included, either supplied to the customer in a hollow form for filling with solutions, or with solid Adiprene organs with holes for user-supplied capsule inserts. The phantom has a thyroid insert, which holds a hollow thyroid shell that can be filled with a user-supplied radioiodine or 133Ba thyroid calibration phantom. Thyroid phantoms currently available from the RESL loan library contain 133Ba, only. You may order active organ inserts from the Lung, Liver, and Thyroid Phantom pages for this phantom.

The RESL-201 phantom has four torso overlays of progressively greater thickness in order to simulate a wide variety of subject chests.  

Phantom ID#: RESL-202 and Phantom ID#: RESL-203

Blank Torso Phantoms

Tissue substitute composition: RESL-202: Polyurethane with bone simulant ; RESL-203: Adiprene
Realistic phantoms to be used with lung and liver calibration phantoms

RESL-202 is a generation 2 LLNL torso phantom developed in 1980. RESL-203 is a commercially available version of the LLNL torso phantom developed in 1980. The torso phantom comprises an anthropomorphic torso extending from the neck to the upper pelvis. It is molded around a synthetic skeleton. The interior of the phantom is hollow and is filled with simulated organs or spacer blocks to eliminate air spaces. The chest cover plate, which contains the sternum and ribs, is molded as a separate unit to allow insertion of various organ phantoms. It is intended to be used to calibrate in vivo detection systems for specific organ (lung and liver) depositions of radioactive materials. The library maintains radioactive calibration organ phantoms of lungs and livers. The torso phantoms also have four overlays of progressively greater thickness, so that the phantom can be used for a range of subject chests.  The phantom can be obtained with either solid blank organ spacers or with abdominal/heart blocks loaded with approximately 70 nCi (2.59 kBq) of 40K to provide for a realistic tissue background contribution.

DOE Phantom Library Catalog


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