Liver Calibration Phantom

Liver Calibration Phantom

The LLNL torso phantom liver (PL-501) is molded of solid, muscle-equivalent polyurethane with 3.79 wt% CaCO3. The liver is inserted in an inert tissue-substitute molding called the "liver envelope." The envelope fills spaces in the abdominal cavity of a Torso phantom to simulate the correct anatomical positions of internal organs.

Table 1-nCi. Liver Calibration Phantoms
Phantom ID# Isotope Calibration Date Activity (nCi)
RESL-501 239Pu 3/13/1981 (1.30± 0.03)E4
RESL-502 241Am 2/27/1981 (1.65± 0.03)E3

PL-501 measurement would indicate a slightly higher activity from apparent L x-rays.

DOE Phantom Library Catalog


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