
The DOE Phantom Library is a program for loaning in vivo calibration phantoms to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sites and other in vivo laboratories. The Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory (RESL) in Idaho Falls, Idaho, administers the library program for the Office of Worker Safety and Health Policy, AU-11.

Anthropomorphic phantoms are designed to represent the human body's characteristics in terms of radiation attenuation, physical morphology, and geometry. For in vivo counting applications, phantoms are used to calibrate radiation detection systems for measuring radioactive material in the human body. In vivo measurements of radiation occupational workers are performed at DOE facilities to resolve potential or known radioactive material intakes in verifing that internal depositions of radioactive materials are kept below levels of concern.

The inventory of the loaning library includes:

Realistic Torso Phantom with Lung and Liver Calibration Phantoms

Additionally, a limited number of phantoms available from lenders other than RESL are listed. Activity tables for all phantoms indicated the lender identifier (Order Info column). Contact information for phantom lenders are found on the Order Information link.

Each catalog section includes a general description of a phantom type and its intended use. Detailed phantom-specific information is included with each loan. Please contact the Phantom Library Administrator at RESL to answer any questions or to assist in locating a phantom with a radionuclide that may not be included in the  RESL catalog.

DOE Phantom Library Catalog


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