Resl Environmental Policy

It is the policy of the Radiological Environment Sciences Laboratory (RESL) to conduct the laboratory in a safe, compliant and cost-effective manner that protects human health and the environment. We achieve this by integrating environmental requirements and pollution prevention into our work planning and execution, and taking actions to minimize the environmental impacts of our operations. We establish and communicate environmental responsibilities, provide environmental training to our employees and implement controls to mitigate environmental hazards. These activities are conducted in accordance with our Environmental Management System. Through employee involvement and management commitment to environmental excellence, we will:

- Identify and comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.

- Protect the unique natural, biological and cultural resources associated with RESL activities.

- Conserve natural resources by reusing and recycling materials, purchasing recycled materials where possible and using recyclable materials.

- Establish documented environmental objectives and targets and update them as necessary to reflect RESLs changing needs, missions and goals.

- Consider the input of our stakeholders when weighing alternative environmental courses of action.

- Monitor our impact on the environment and measure our performance; and communicate the results to our employees, subcontractors and stakeholders.

- Promote continual improvement to our environmental management system through self-assessment and corrective action.

- Communicate the policy to all employees and subcontractors and make it available to the public and our stakeholders.

This policy applies to all persons working on behalf of RESL. Every employee and subcontractor is expected to follow this policy and to report environmental concerns to management. Managers shall promote environmental stewardship, take prompt action to address concerns and issues and have zero tolerance for noncompliance.